This Flocked Up Life
Welcome to This Flocked Up Life, where mom-casters Lacey and Becky dive into the chaos, celebrate the highs, and navigate the lows together. This isn’t just a podcast—it’s a community where every mom is heard, seen, and valued. Get ready for raw, relatable conversations, a bit of “fowl” language, and a lot of fun. Well, what are you waiting for follow us and join the flock.
This Flocked Up Life
Tech No!
In today’s episode, we’re diving into your questions. Listener Roberta J. asks,
"I recently discovered that my 15-year-old son is hacking into the school’s laptop to access social media, install prohibited games, and other questionable software. We busted him over the weekend, shut everything down, and tightened up our parental control systems, but I’m still filled with worry. He could be expelled from school or worse…How can I help him create a healthy relationship with the technology in his life?"
Becky and Lacey share personal stories and address some tech questions that are on all our minds....How early is too early for our kids to be working with school issued laptops? Should cell phones be allowed? How can parents set a good example for our kids by keeping our own use in check?
We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us.
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